Sankt Goer to Mainz

I’d expected today to be fairly gentle, but it turned out to be quite tiring. It was about 65km, but the heat made it very difficult

Shortly after leaving the campsite I passed the Lorely curve.This is a rather treacherous part of the river, and you could see the current flowing quite strongly
Lots more big ships. You can see the current running on the buoy
Sand being loaded – the ship just sails up and drifts back in the current to spread it out.
Lots of vineyards too – there were lots on the other bank too
Next up was the Mouse Tower, which has a rather grim fairy story associated with it – Atlas Obscura can do a better job of explaining it than me

Then it was on to Mainz. I’m staying at a nice campsite just on the other side of the river. After setting up camp I took the bus into town to get some food for dinner and to buy a new gas canister.

The city itself is quite nice – a mixture of old and (not always that sympathetic) new. You just get the old in the pictures 🙂

Got absolutely soaked on the way back, as a thunderstorm rolled over. Things have dried out now – the campsite is nice, with good company.

There are parrots in the trees (apparently escaped pets), and red squirrels too. One had tried to steal my soap – I found it just outside my tent with teeth marks!

Tomorrow I leave the Rhein, and head eastwards. I should end up joining the Main at the end of the day (I could follow it all the way, but it’s very windy). The forecast is a little cooler for tomorrow – should top out about 25.