Mainz to Kleinheubach

Quite a long day today – 101km. The weather was much cooler and I had a tail wind, which helped a lot.

I was slightly dreading the navigation for this bit, as it was a bit off piste, and not following the River Main (essentially cutting the corner off and avoiding Frankfurt. I’m sure it’s perfectly fine – I just didn’t fancy a big city). There was a numbered bike path for most of the way, which made things easier. The signs weren’t great in places and some of the tracks weren’t tarmaced. So a bit like cycling in England really.

Went over a motorway, which looked like it had electric cabling – perhaps for electric trucks? Not sure how it works if one wants to overtake.
Some of today’s riding was very dull. This was a 4km long perfectly straight and flat road

I reached the Main shortly before the end of the day. I’m staying at a site in Kleinheubach. There’s a Grossheubach on the other side of the river. Kleinheubach seems very pretty

I leave the Main tomorrow and start following the Erf.