Willersbach to Tulln

110km today. I’m about 30km before Vienna. A damp start, which turned into rain shortly after setting off.

From the camp site

A mixture of flatter and valley landscapes today, with plenty of nice churches and castles on the way

This is Austria’s first and only nuclear power plant, at Zwentendorf. It was built in the late 70s. A referendum in 1979 voted against nuclear power, so it was never used. Open on Fridays for tours…sadly it was Saturday

Camping in Tulln tonight. They were setting up for a concert on the waterfront when we went past, so wandered into town to see that.

Tulln has its own little mermaid, situated below an underpass.
The concert was from the town’s brass band, and was songs from the movies. It was an excellent setting with the Danube behind.
And finally… continuing our survey of European vending machines. (20 euro for 6 grams)