A short ride today – 40km – got me to Vienna for lunchtime. Having been cycling with someone for the last two days, it was strange being on my own again, though I bumped into someone from last night’s campsite on the way, and we cycled together for a bit before our paths diverged. When Igot to Vienna, I went straight to the campsite and got set up, before taking public transport into town.
Vienna is very picturesque. Each building is, by itself, impressive, but the volume and density of pretty old buildings is quite something.
I had a quick look in the cathedral:
And went past the fanciest H&M shop I’ve ever seen:

I then took the tram up to Schloss Belvedere. I’d planned to take a look inside, but the queues and the price put me off. There was also some rather odd modern art in the pool in front of it:
I headed over to Prater after this, which is a huge park/amusement park in the city (with its famous ferris wheel). Atlas Obscura had pointed me towards a micronation, Kugelmugel, created by an artist in the 70s. It seemed to be under renovation when I got there:
It seems that Vienna also has its own problematic statue. Presumably this one was a bit big to pull down!
On to Bratislava tomorrow, where I plan to spend a couple of nights.