Wildenbach to Greding

71km today. I started off quite late today, and began by following the Altmuehl, to Altmuehlsee. After this, I was following what I think is a water supply canal. At one point this disappears into a tunnel (built in the 1980s), and the path goes through the woods.

Eventually I joined the Brombachsee – this is a much larger lake, surrounded by pine forests. It reminded me a lot of Loch Morlich (but without the mountains in the distance)


I stopped off for lunch and a swim in the lake. The water was lovely and warm and clear.

After a while I joined an old railway line, the Gredl Radweg. They’d left various bits of signaling and other equipment in situ, with explanatory boards about what they were.

Complicated signal. My German wasn’t up to working out what it did, but the arm and disc move independently. It looks like the disc can be moved to a horizontal position
The line was surprisingly hilly. At the summit I reached this sculpture, which marks the watershed between the Rhine and the Danube. So (in theory) it should be downhill all the way now.

Eventually I reached Greding, where I decided to stop for the night. Unfortunately the campsite isn’t great. It’s close to the motorway, so quite noisy, and seems to mostly be for campervans stopping for the night (I guess en route to the Alps).

Strange green drink from Lidl. Google Translate tells me its Woodruff flavour. It tastes a bit like herbal mouthwash. I don’t think I’ll finish it.