Split + Trogir

I arrived in Split quite early off the sleeper. I hadn’t had a very good night’s sleep; there was something squeaking on the train all night, and the track was rather bumpy in places.

Split itself was very pretty; the old town especially. There’s a small hill at the western end of the town, which has a park on it, which offered good views. I’d only got a few hours, and wasn’t in the mood for any museums, so just had breakfast and wandered.

By the time I got down from the hill, the place was unpleasantly busy. According to my sleeper berth-mate, this is the off-season, so it gets busier.

There are worse views to wake up to..

The approach to safety is a little different to the UK


fter that I headed to the airport to meet Steve, who was arriving from Manchester.

We had a couple of hours to change buses in Trogir, which is just along the coast, so we had a nice lunch there, and a wander round the town. There were nice views from a guard tower in the harbour.

We arrived at the (rather nice) hotel late afternoon, ready to meet the rest of the group. Swimming starts today (Sunday).