Zagreb (2)

After the train museum I went for a wander round Zagreb. I was slightly worried about filling the whole day, as my sleeper wasn’t until 23:00. It turned out there was plenty to do. I really liked Zagreb; it didn’t feel wild, but felt very pleasant. There was lots going on.

TBH I’m not that sure what I was expecting. I guess echos of the civil war were still in my head to some extent.

I *think* this is an art gallery, but I didn’t go in it.

These next few are from an art gallery (but not the one above). It was called Moderna galerija, and featured post 1900(?) Croatian artists. It ended up being a really nice gallery, with a nice mix of styles and media.

These next few are of the main market.

This was from inside the cathedral:

One of the guide books I’d read recommended the Gallery Me\'{s}trovic – he was a sculptor from the early 1900s. I liked his work, but it was rather more religious than I normally go for.

Views from the ??? tower. They fire a cannon from it every day at noon, so the church bells can syncronise themselves (apparently the cannon guy phones the speaking clock 🙂

Tesla graffito – which leads us on to (another) geeky outing today. The building itself is lovely – 1950’s wood construction. It was built for an expo, and is now listed.

There were (unsurprisingly) lots of Tesla things, though I was unfortunately too late for the high voltage demonstration.

After a brief rest in the botanic gardens, I headed north, for my next stop, the Museum of Broken Relationships.

Before I got there I was sidetracked by a local folk festival in one of the town squares. I quite enjoyed the bits I saw. This dance was a bit like morris dancing, but with scythes instead of sticks, which added a certain frission of danger (to be fair they weren’t banging them into each other though)

At the museum, people donate things which were symbolic of their ended relationships. It was very interesting, and surprisingly moving (though I think I’d be quite happy to get a Gallileo Thermometer)

Then it was off to the station to wait for the sleeper.