Swimming (day 5)

Our last full day of swimming. The weather has improved; the temperature is back up to mid 20s and the lighter wind feels much warmer.

We did three swims today.

The first was between two islands near the hotel. We did about 1km along the coast of the first, and then swam ~400m to the next island. From there we did about 600m along its coast. Having done mainly coastal swims so far, it was strange to swim in properly open water (and not to be able to see the bottom)

We then headed to the eastern side of Privic for lunch, and a brief wanter around, before completing our second 2km swim of the day, heading southwards on the island’s eastern coast. This was a really lovely swim; it was very shallow and there was lots to see.

A few pictures of Privic below:

The final swim today was much shorter; just a couple of hundred metres. We headed to Sibenik, where there is a U-boat tunnel, built by the Germans in the 2nd world war. This is a U shaped tunnel, built into the cliffs to hide U boats from the air. It was quite a quick swim through, which was good as it was rather cold.

Interesting to see (what I assume was) a WWII camp too, on the way to the tunnel. This had tall poles around it, which I guess would have held camouflage netting to hide the huts under.

Finally, a picture of our hotel from the trip back