Zagreb (1)

After a good night’s sleep I decided I would spend the whole day in Zagreb and get the sleeper as planned. Annoyingly you can’t book beds online, so this involved a trip to the station. Fortunately there was space (as promised). A bargain at 44Euro (for a twin bunk, not a triple – though this turned up to be a waste of money as there were still physically 3 beds, and so very little headroom). It turns out you can also take you car for 15 Euro(!)

As I was at the station, it turned out I was conventiently close to the Croatian National Railway Museum. Not sure how that happend 😉

This wasn’t that large, but was free, and had captions in both English and Croat. A few pictures below.

A less, erm, specialist, blog post on the rest of my exploits in Zagreb to follow 🙂

Rail car- Russian built (according to the very helpful guide – I was the only person there most of the time time).. But how do you turn around?

You drop this and pivot on the spot!

Armoured engine from the war in the 90s

You were allowed to climb into this one.

A lot of the rest of the collection is spread about at various stations, which seems a nice idea.

(less geeky post to follow – though it does involve a trip to the Nikolas Tesla museum)