
Getting a bit behind here… spent all of Thursday travelling from Slovakia to Zagreb.

Ferenc drove us all to Budapest, through beautiful (and hilly) countryside.

From there I caught the direct train to Zagreb, which took 5.5 hours. No buffet car, or even a trolley, so just like the UK really. Except it cost 9 euro.

A lot of the journey was alongside Lake Ballaton, which looked very pretty.

Ended up half an hour late arriving, owing to Hungarian and Croatian passport checks on the train (so much for frictionless boarders…)

Having left Poprad at 0930, I finally got to the hotel at 2200.

Big thanks to Ference for the driving.

I was in two minds whether to spend the full day in Zagreb, and get the sleeper on Friday night, or whether to get the afternoon train on Friday and spend Saturday night in Split. In the ended I went for the original plan.


More Budapest



Lake Ballaton