Strebsk\'{e} Pleso

Another trip to the High Tatras today; this time towards the western end of the range, at Strebsk\'{e} Pleso. Had a lovely walk up to lake Popradske Pleso, and back round the lake in Strebske Pleso itself (there’s supposed to be an upside down ^ on the S, like in Skoda, but I can’t work out how to get one out on Android).

Absolutely lovely weather for it. Low to mid 20s, very gentle breeze. Just like yesterday, the paths were very good, and very well marked. Interestingly they give times to the next village/place of interest/summit, rather than distances. These seemed to assume you were going along at a rather fast pace though.

Interesting graph of how the different types of tree grow at different heights

The village is dominated by a couple of ski-jumps

Views from by the first lake. There were a few paragliders circling the peaks too.

View from the second lake, with bonus ski-jump 🙁

Slightly disturbing cow seat in the village

We spotted 4 or 5 wedding parties round the second lake (including a groom in a kilt – didn’t manage to get a picture; sorry). The photographers seemed very keen to get the newlyweds to go out in a rowing boat for photos (including standing up). None of them looked that happy about this; I’m sure some couples must fall in.

Finally, to avoid disappointing a substantial proportion of my loyal readers, here’s a picture of the metre gauge train from Poprad to the village. The road crosses the line several times on the way to the village. It looks pretty steep, but it doesn’t have a cog-wheel.

Finally, finally, here’s the route we took: